
obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.Major progress have been made towards increasing access to education at Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Institutions in Kassanda District and we still maintain it. The Department has registered increased enrolment rates in Schools. Pupils’ enrolment increased from 44,144 to 45,145(Primary) and Secondary from 7,449 to 8,054. The staff intensified Trainings, Workshops and Seminars for Head Teachers, Deputies, Directors of Studies and P.4 – P.7 Class Teachers on performance improvement. other strategies to be put in place to enhance performance will include: continued sensitization of stakeholders, especially Parents, to support the Learners and School general development programs, enforce the Kassanda Education Ordinance through Technical Staff and Political Wing. Continue to use Associate Assessors in order to beef up Inspection Unit, Demote Head Teachers who fail to supervise and monitor their schools. Hold Capacity Building Trainings to P.4 and P.7 Subject Teachers and Directors of studies to enhance academic performance. Train Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, and SMCs to improve on their managerial skills, emphasize Co-curricular activities like Games and Sports in Schools and enforce the licensing of Private Schools and close those without basic requirements and minimum standards